
Diet culture seems to put labels on every food, they usually are sorted to “good food” and “bad food”. In addition to that, carbohydrates is dragged to an unforgivable corner, since it is always related to weight- gain and various health issues. If diet-label is so overpowering influential, good news for you! There is a type of carb that can satisfy you while managing your health. This food is------ pasta!

Pasta has so many benefits that can bring it to your table while satisfying your gut. It brings long term energy expenditure, and low in sodium and cholesterol free(Pasta Pantry 2017). This is a desirable type of carb that you can eat guilt free. Research indicates that pasta can be a part of healthy food, and can bring a balanced diet to people’s lives. The nutrients pasta can bring to a possible shortfall in daily consumption, such as  folate, iron, magnesium and dietary fiber, are highly beneficial. Females between the ages of 19-50 show significant weight related outcomes, especially weight-loss or weight-maintenance(Papanikolaou 2020).


Pasta Pantry. May 16, 2017. The Health Benefits of Pasta. Retrieved March 11, 2020 from 

Papanikolaou, Y., June 16, 2020. Pasta consumption is linked to greater Nutrient intakes and improved Diet quality in American children and adults, and Beneficial Weight-related outcomes only in adult females, Frontiers. Retrieved March 11, 2021 from




Nourish Bowl