Air Fryer Shrimp Burger
Yummy family treat
Time Consumption: 1 hour/ 60 minutes
Temperature: 375 F 30 minutes
Serving: 6 servings
2 cups peeled shrimp
18-24 cherry tomatoes
Gouda cheese
2 tbsp starch
2 tbsp regular flour
1 egg
2 cups ground chicken
1/4 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp five-spice powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 cup bread crumb
Sweet pickle burger sauce
6 sets of burger buns
Olive oil
Meat patty:
Heat the air fryer to 375 F
Cut the shrimps into small pieces
Mix the shrimp with the grounded chicken.
Crack the egg into the meat mixture. Mix until well combined.
Mix all the spices(salt, pepper, five-spice powder, and cumin powder) with starch and flour.
Pour the powder mixture to meat mixture, and stir until well combined.
Use your hand, shape the mixture to 6 meat patties.
Cover the patties with bread crumbs.
Place the patties to the air fryer. After 15 minutes, flip the side and cook for another 15 minutes.
Cherry Tomatoes:
Rinse the cherry tomatoes and dry them. Make sure no water left on the tomatoes.
Heat the pan with some olive oils.
Put the cherry tomatoes into the pan, cook with closed lid.
Flip the cherry tomatoes until cooked on each side.
It is ready when the cherry tomatoes become soft and juicy.
Heat the pan. Put a desirable amount of butter to the pan.
Cook the inside part of the burger buns with the butter, until crispy( or you can just eat the bun unheated if you prefer).
Layer the burger in to following way
Bottom bun
Meat patty
Sweet pickle burger sauce
3-4 Cherry tomatoes
Sliced gouda cheese
Top bun
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